//In this file you can have advanced control over the volume of Swamp's many sound files. //Any blank lines or lines that begin with 2 slashes (//) will be ignored by Swamp, allowing you to leave yourself helpful notes. //The format to change the volume of a file is = . The volume adjustment can be anything between 0 and 1000, though no sound will ever play louder than the actual wav file is designed to be. Here are a few examples. //Death3.wav = 70 //The above example will lower the \player\death3.wav file down to 70% of normal. //Death = 70 //The above example will lower all 3 death sounds to 70%. The game searches for the word death in the path+filename of the sound, so any of the 3 death sounds will match. //Canine\Attack = 150 //The above example will raise the 3 attack sounds for the canine zombie to 150% of normal. If you were being attacked, the sound will not seem any louder because it already plays as loud as the file is meant to play. If you hear other players being attacked in the distance, you would hear those attacks at a louder volume because they normally would be quieter if the player is a distance away. //Attack = 150 //The above example will raise the 3 attack.wav sounds for every zombie, because any zombie's attack.wav sound will match the word attack. //Canine = 90 //The above example will lower every single sound file for the canine to 90%. No sound files in Swamp are named canine, but the file path will match the word canine for any sounds being played out of the zombies\canine\ folder. //get = 50 //The above example will lower all sounds in the \get\ folder to 50%. These sorts of commands are a quick way to instantly adjust an entire group of sounds. In this case, the sounds for picking up various items around the map. Zombies=20 Items=160 Hurt=70 Shield=70 christmaschant=10 Weapons=50 //truck=60