Computer MIDI Keyboard
This is a windows program designed to allow you to control MIDI devices using the computer keyboard and only the computer keyboard. The advanced version gives you virtual pitch benders, realtime properties, controllers, pan/volume/reverb/chorus control, and much more!
The free version is limited and is only designed to allow you to get a feel for how the program works, and allows for basic playing. Please consider the advanced/paid version to unlock more advanced controls and customization!
Download CMK here
Usage with Reaper
Here is my guide to use CMK with Reaper.
Advanced version
Want to upgrade?
For $15, you can upgrade to the advanced version of CMK, which gives you the following.
- Virtual pitch and modulation benders
- adjustment of advanced perametors (Pan, reverb, chorus, volume)
- Controller buttons for controlling basic features of your DAW from the keyboard window.